
2010-08-28 10:47:36来源:西部e网作者:

Google于北京时间8日凌晨在Google Labs推出了在线阅读工具Reader。Google公司还在第一时间公布了官方的讨论组。我是其中的第八个订阅者,按照Google官方的说明,Reader是一个基于网络的可在线定制阅读的Feed阅读器。整个界面简洁易操作,秉承了Google Gmail的界面风格,并实现了与Gmail、Blogger等Google服务之间的融合。

  • Spend your time reading what you care about most
    Reader automatically gets the latest news and updates for your favorite sites. You can sort your reading list by relevance, which will guess what's most relevant to you based on how you use Google Reader (such as which items you decide to actually read).
  • Find the blogs and news sites you've been missing out on
    The amount of information on the web is rapidly increasing. Use Reader to discover new content you don't want to miss.
  • Share interesting items with friends
    When you come across something worth sharing, quickly email or blog it from within Reader. Star or labels items you want to save for yourself.
  • 关键词:Google
