WinRAR的优点是压缩率大,速度快当设置成最快压缩方式的时候,压缩包比.ZIP小,而速度却与PKZIP不相上下.更可支持非RAR压缩文件。可将 大型文件分割成数块磁片方便携带,且压缩比比Winzip还强大,可产生自动解压缩文件,支持鼠标右键快选功能、支持Zip文件。
1. Positions of "Mode" and "Cancel" buttons in archiving dialog
have been exchanged.
2. Bugs corrected:
a) beta 1 could truncate names of files decompressed from ISO 9660
archives by one character;
b) progress bars in archive conversion window did not work correctly
with "Windows progress bars" option turned on;
c) "Load WinRAR settings from" dialog did not displayed if
settings.reg was not present in %appdata%\WinRAR folder.