is the open source project through which Sun Microsystems is releasing the technology for the popular StarOffice productivity suite. It is an international office suite that will run on all major platforms and provide access to all functionality and data through open-component based APIs and an XML-based file format. It establishes the necessary facilities to make this open source technology available to the developer community!
OpenOffice2.2中文正式版已出!我在OpenOffice2.2进行RC的时候下载了中文版使用,后来2.2正式版出来却没有中文版,一直等着。今日浏览OpenOffice的 mirror下载站的时候发现2.2的中文正式版已经出来了,位置一般在openoffice/localized/zh-cn/2.2.0下,更新日期 为美国时间5月7日11:59,亚洲时间5月8日0:59,但OpenOffice的中文首页还没有更新,喜欢的朋友赶紧下载吧。Download: v2.2.0 Final for Windows
Download: v2.2.0 Final for Linux
中文版本下载 v2.2中文版