CloneDVD Final

2010-08-28 10:51:35来源:西部e网作者:

CloneDVD 2 copies movies to create unparalleled picture quality DVD backups, whether it’s the main title you’re copying or the complete DVD. CloneDVD will compress long footage at high speed to the highest of quality using specialised transcoding technology, allowing you to select your audio and language settings and also the final target size. Easy for even the novice user, CloneDVD’s intuitive Filmstrip assistant guides you through all the available configuration settings, allowing you to choose which chapters to include and offering the option to trim individual chapters.

A visual quality bar shows how your configuration choices affect the quality of the final copy. Note that copying protected DVDs also requires AnyDVD.

CloneDVD 2拷贝的电影具有超凡的质量。无论是主题电影或者是完整的DVD - CloneDVD甚至可以高速压缩出高超质量的长片段:特殊的转码技术根据你的音轨与语言选择自动压缩你挑选的DVD标题成可自由调整的大小。我们独特的Film Strip助手会一步一步指导你所有的设置。在影象预览的帮助下,你挑选需要的DVD标题,你决定剔除哪一个别章节。质量条显示标题和语言选择对影片拷贝质量的直接影响。甚至新手也不会迷失方向。

Download:  CloneDVD Final

