eMule Xtreme 6 Final

2010-08-28 10:51:35来源:西部e网作者:

eMule is a filesharing client based on the eDonkey2000 protocol. This means you are able to connect to official eDoneky2000 clients and visa-versa.

一个非常好的eMule客户端的mod,更适合喜欢上传的朋友,支持断线排队功能,通过自带的antiLeech.dl插件。更能有效屏蔽吸血驴,本次更新终于等来了正式版本。喜欢eMule Extreme Mod的朋友们可要抓紧赶上了!

changelog 6.0

- updated to 0.48a codebase
- made the NAFC-adapter-selection-code vista-compatible
- replaced official UPNP withXtreme UPNP (still at extended preferences)
- added: Obfuscation-PaddingLength to Extended preferences

Download: eMule Xtreme 6.0 Final

