FlashFXP offers the easiest and fastest way to transfer any file using FTP, providing an exceptionally stable and robust program that you can always count on to get your job done quickly and efficiently. There are many, many features available in FlashFXP.
New Features in FlashFXP 3.6 RC1
* Added 'Activate Synchronize Browsing on Connect' per-site option.
* Added -approvessl command line param, this is used for automation to always accept the SSL certifcate. Use with care.
* Added support for MLSD (machine formatted directory lists).
* Added support for UTF8 (iso-8859-1/Latin-1).
* Added parsing of host:port when pasting into the host field of the proxy dialog.
* Added drag/drop support between the local browser and external applications.
* Added support for custom commands in the right-click menu in the FTP File Search Dialog.
* Added move to the right-click menu in the FTP File Search Dialog.
* Upgraded Zlib component to 1.23.
* Upgraded the folder browse dialog to use the BIF_USENEWUI flag, which gives the dialog a Make Folder button and makes it resizable.
* Optimized the status window text scrolling. It scrolled slower and slower as more text was put into it. This is no longer the case.
* Optimized the FlashFXP load up time. It's about 30% faster now.
* FlashFXP now uses FastMM4 memory manager.
* Upgraded OpenSSL Dll's to 0.9.8e.
FlashFXP 是一个功能强大的 FXP/FTP 软件,融合了一些其他优秀 FTP 软件的优点,如像 CuteFTP 一样可以比较文件夹,支持彩色文字显示;像 BpFTP 支持多文件夹选择文件,能够缓存文件夹;像 LeapFTP 一样的外观界面,甚至设计思路也差相仿佛.支持文件夹(带子文件夹)的文件传送、删除;支持上传、下载及第三方文件续传;可以跳过指定的文件类型,只传送需要的文件;可以自定义不同文件类型的显示颜色;可以缓存远端文件夹列表,支持FTP代理及 Socks 3&4;具有避免空闲功能,防止被站点踢出;可以显示或隐藏“隐藏”属性的文件、文件夹;支持每个站点使用被动模式等.
Download: FlashFXP 3.6 RC1
Download: FlashFXP 3.6 RC1 (3.5.1 Build 1200)汉化版 [烈火]【网通服务器】