CPU-Z is a diagnostic tool that provides information on your CPU, including: processor name and vendor, core stepping and process, processor package, internal and external clocks, clock multiplier, partial overclock detection, processor features, supported instructions sets, L1 and L2 cache information, location, size, speed, and technology.
Latest Changes:
- New CPU voltage monitoring
- Intel Xeon Tigerton support
- Intel IA64 CPUs support (Itanium / Itanium2)
- Special thanks to Rami Radi and Ray Hinchliffe for their help
- AMD K10 Phenom preliminary support
- NVIDIA MCP73 support
- Intel XMP profiles support
- Memory modules nominal voltage
Cpu-Z 是一款家喻户晓的CPU检测软件,除了使用Intel或AMD自己的检测软件之外,我们平时使用最多的此类软件就数它了。它支持的CPU种类相当全面,软件的启动速度及检测速度都很快。另外,它还能检测主板和内存的相关信息,其中就有我们常用的内存双通道检测功能。当然,对于CPU的鉴别我们还是最好使用原厂软件。纯文本版报告虽然看的人不多但是仍完全汉化了,网页版报告的话,将字体放大了一号,以使其在中文系统下更加美观.
Download: Cpu-Z V1.41.0 Final
Download: Cpu-Z V1.41.0 Final [S2C]·狐狸少爷 汉化版
Download: Cpu-Z V1.41.0 Final 昆子 汉化版
Download: Cpu-Z V1.41.0 Final 韦斯特·金 汉化版