Windows7 build 7022版本泄露,有BT下载

2010-08-28 10:54:37来源:西部e网作者:

就在微软极力推进Windows 7 Release Candidate的时候,一个新版泄露了出来,它的Build版本号是7000以来的最新一个:7022。

一个运行中的图像证实了本次泄露,最早来自一个俄罗斯的BT站点,相信是微软乌克兰的杰作,本次泄露最大改进就是UAC的更新,微软程序员的反应速度令人叹为观止,版本全称Build 7022.winmain.090115-1850。不过注意,这个版本是32位的,到消息发布为止还没有64位的7022版本被泄露。


Windows 7 build 7022 leaks (Neowin)

Microsoft are currently working hard towards the Release Candidate of Windows 7. Currently the only official build available to testers and the general public is build 7000 but we have learned that 7022 has leaked to the internet today.

According to a Russian torrent site it was leaked by "friendly" Microsoft Ukraine individuals. It's not likely that the build contains any of the UAC changes Microsoft has promised recently promised. The build is Build 7022.winmain.090115-1850 which indicates it was built nearly a month ago. Some Microsoft employees have twittered recently that they were "installing 7034, Build 7034.winmain.090202-1920" so the company is clearly pushing ahead with the builds ready for the upcoming Release Candidate.

1.Posted by tontonJack on Feb 08 2009 at 22:54
Thank you uploader, build 7022 confirmed, works great....

2.Posted by mmaghfai on Feb 08 2009 at 23:09
So any major difference with build 7000?

3.Posted by tontonJack on Feb 09 2009 at 01:16
i can't say for now but we have some improuvement in graphic display
IE 8 RC1 and a fix for the uac...

sposibo bratia

下载地址:Windows 7 Build 7022.winmain.090115-1850.rar

