Serv-U 是一种被广泛运用的FTP服务器端软件,支持 9x/ME/NT/2K 等全Windows系列。它设置简单,功能强大,性能稳定。FTP 服务器用户通过它用 FTP协议能在 internet上共享文件。它并不是简单地提供文件的下载,还为用户的系统安全提供了相当全面的保护。例如:您可以为您的FTP 设置密码、设置各种用户级的访问许可等等。Serv-U不仅100%遵从通用FTP标准,也包括众多的独特功能可为每个用户提供文件共享完美解决方案。它可以设定多个FTP 服务器、限定登录用户的权限、登录主目录及空间大小等,功能非常完备。它具有非常完备的安全特性,支持SSl FTP传输,支持在多个Serv-U和FTP客户端通过SSL加密连接保护您的数据安全等。(共享软件)
for Windows XP Home & Professional/Server 2003/Vista/Server 2008/7 32-bit and 64-bit
Last-Modified: Mon, 16 Aug 2010 17:55:53 GMT
Download: Serv-U FTP Server v10.2.0.0|下载页面|13.99MB
Download:Serv-U FTP Server v10.2.0.0 Final 吕达嵘 汉化版
Download:Serv-U FTP Server v6.4.0.6 Final 吕达嵘 汉化版
Serv-U was released August 16, 2010. A complete list of changes and upgrades follows:
- Increased FTP, FTPS, HTTP, and HTTPS download performance on very fast networks.
- Changed the default *NIX style permissions value to "rwxrwxrwx" and changed listings so that directories and Windows shortcuts (when not being treated as the target) include the "x" permissions to be more consistent with UNIX and Linux.
- Changed the rename, delete, and remove directory operations to operate on Windows links (.LNK) files instead of the target file or directory to add consistency with Windows, UNIX, and Linux.
- Moved the "Automatically check directory sizes during upload" limit from the advanced section to the data transfer section in the Limits and Settings for the server, domain, users, and groups.
- Added Group Administrator help content to User's Manual.
- Added Management Console help for event filtering.
- Added Web Client help for favorites.
- Added a new auto login parameter for sorting on a specified column upon login to the Web Client.
- Added the "Lock Navigation" feature to FTP Voyager JV. Users can lock a local directory listing to a remote directory listing (when a listing occurs, the other listing is updated).
- Moved the confirmation controls from the "General" page to the new "Confirmation" page inside FTP Voyager JV's Preferences dialog.
- Changed FTP Voyager JV's remote directory listings so the UI responds a little faster when files are received from the server.
- Added a notification dialog to FTP Voyager JV after the user presses the "Execute These Actions" button on the "Synchronize Folders" dialog. This lets the user know if the actions have been sent to the transfer queue.
- Added FTP Voyager JV icons to the JNLP file which allows Java Webstart to show these during certificate confirmation and within the Java application cache manager.
- Removed the "Other Products" dialog from the installer.
- Added "Russian" as supported installation language in Serv-U User's Manual.
- Removed DNS4Me references from Serv-U User's Manual.
- Added Web Client Parameter information to Serv-U User's Manual.
- Removed Windows 2000 from supported OS list in Serv-U User's Manual. Microsoft has discontinued support for this operating systems and no longer provides DLLs and libraries to developers that are compatible on this operating systems.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected a bug where Serv-U would not go into FIPS 140-2 mode due to compiler and Windows SDK changes.
- Corrected a security bug, introduced in Serv-U, when creating a directory. It was possible to create a directory, when using virtual paths and various combinations of permissions, where the end-user did not have permission to create a directory.
- Corrected a security bug where certain Web Client invalid URL parameters would cause Serv-U to crash.
- Corrected a bug where Serv-U would crash when using certain notations of IPv6 addresses to allow or deny access.
- Changed the installer to require Windows XP with Service Pack 2 and greater due to Microsoft changes in certain libraries.
- Corrected an internal bug introduced in, when moving to Developer Studio 2010, the number of sockets was limited to the Microsoft default of 64.
- Corrected an FTP upload bug when uploading a file over directory size limits, Serv-U would properly respond with an error, but then improperly respond again with another error when the client closed the socket. This would only happen intermittently on very fast connections and very fast computers.
- Corrected a bug where Domain or Group Administrators were unable to disconnect, abort, or chat with (FTP only) allowed sessions.
- Corrected a bug when using the $IPName variable in a disabled user login event, Serv-U would wait for the reverse DNS name resolution (or timeout) before allowing the login. This reverse DNS name resolution delay is still in-place, but only when an event using the $IPName variable is enabled.
- Corrected a bug when importing improperly formatted complex user attributes, Serv-U could crash.
- Corrected a bug in the Web Client where sizing the height of the window to less than the minimum size of the file list produced an error.
- Corrected a bug where a drive label containing an ampersand character (&) would cause the Management Console Browse dialog to hang.
- Corrected a bug where Windows Shortcuts' dates and times where not returned for directory listings when Serv-U is configured to treat Windows Shortcuts as the target.
- Corrected a bug where Windows Shortcuts targets were always located (resolved) even if the link files were not configured to be accessed as files.
- Corrected a bug where the maximum directory size setting for directory access rules did not appear to be functioning during a file upload due to Windows Vista and above file caching. This has been corrected by flushing the Windows' internal file buffers prior to checking a directory size.
- Corrected a bug where the custom login page title and text was not being selected when a domain was configured using virtual hosts.
- Corrected a bug where the default login page language, "remember me" setting, browser warning setting, and show languages setting was not being selected when a domain was configured using virtual hosts.
- Corrected an SFTP (via SSH2) bug where Serv-U would return inconsistent UNIX style permission values for hidden files and folders.
- Corrected a bug in the Management Console where the edition information table was sized incorrectly when viewing in Italian.
- Corrected a bug in the Management Console where certain grid lists were causing vertical scrollbars due to the wrong height dimensions being calculated.
- Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where a directory rename that contained whitespace would produce invalid paths on Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.
- Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where remote directory listings would not update the status bar as files were being received.
- Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where synchronize folders would not transfer the contents of a folder that was not present on the target file system.