TeamViewer是一个能在任何防火墙和NAT代理的后台用于远程控制,桌面共享和文件传输的简单且快速的解决方案。为了连接到另一台计算机,只需要在两台计算机上同时运行 TeamViewer 即可,而不需要进行安装(也可以选择安装,安装后可以设置开机运行)。该软件第一次启动在两台计算机上自动生成伙伴 ID。只需要输入你的伙伴的ID到TeamViewer,然后就会立即建立起连接。如果您回到家后想连接控制在学校或公司里自己的电脑,很多人会想到使用Windows远程桌面连接。一般情况下,它无疑是最好的方案了,但如果你要连接的电脑位于内网,即路由器(Router)或防火墙后方(电脑是内部IP),那样就必须在路由器上做一些设定端口映射之类的设[1]置才有办法连上,而网管也不太可能帮您设定的。这时TeamViewer无疑就是最佳的解决方案了。
NEW: TeamViewer 5.1 beta
New Features included in TeamViewer 5.1:
* Terminal Server support: TeamViewer can be configured to create an ID per user on server operating systems. With this new feature each Terminal Server user can be accessed remotely at the same time.
* Files can be transferred to the remote desktop by drag & drop on the remote control window
* Groups are matched also when searching in the partner list
* A new button in the remote toolbar simplifies switching between multiple remote monitors
* A new button is shown in the remote toolbar when the remote computer requests the input of the Ctrl+Alt+Del key combination
* The current computer is marked with "this computer" in the partner list
Further improvements:
* Unicode characters in e-mail templates are handled correctly
* Audio is transmitted to all presentation participants
* The Windows desktop gets locked correctly after a TeamViewer session
* All windows appear in the foreground if they were created through user interaction
* Several problems in file transfer were resolved