Android Studio 0.4.3 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
支持最新的 Android Gradle 插件 0.8 版本,不要求强制更新,用户可以继续使用 0.7 版本
更新到最新的 IntelliJ 13 EAP build, #133.609 (release notes)
支持 Gradle IDE
Updating from one version of the Gradle plugin to the next is easier; rather than just opening a search window showing .gradle files referencing the plugin, the upgrade quickfix now performs the edits to the plugin dependency and the gradle wrapper properties file directly and in one shot
We now automatically sync with Gradle's model after a build if we detect that the model is stale
Fixed a bug around library syncing (where library dependency classes and resources could suddenly not be found by the IDE)
New lint check which looks for cycles in style definitions, cycles in layout <include> definitions, cycles in resource aliases and cycles in color and drawable definitions.
New lint check for duplicate item definitions inside styles
New lint check for padding symmetry in right-to-left contexts
New lint check for a resource definition pattern which can cause some versions of aapt to crash
The layout editor property sheet now handles setting properties in custom namespaces
Improved threading behavior of layout rendering code (which should make editing in the XML editor with the layout render preview window more responsive)
In addition to creating new locales from the Locale menu you can now open up and edit existing translations
Fixed bug where the layout editor could show stale resource strings
导入 Eclipse
You can now import Eclipse-style projects even if they don't have .classpath and .project files as long as they use the same directory structure
More graceful handling of imports if there is a problem such as a missing dependency
其他 bug 修复
Android Gradle 插件 0.8 版本更新内容如下:
Supports Gradle 1.10, requires Build-Tools 19.0.0+
Fixed issue 64302: Add renderscript support mode jar to the dependencies in the IDE model.
Fixed issue 64094: buildConfigField can now replace previous values inside the same type/flavors.
Add support for NDK prebuilts in library projects.
Parallelize pre-dexing to speed up clean builds.
Incremental dexing re-enabled (though it'll be automatically disabled in some builds for some cases that dx doesn't support yet.)
Added 'provided' dependency scope for compile only (not packaged) dependencies. Additional scope per buildtype and flavors are also available (debugProvided, myFlavorProvided,etc...)
Variant API improvements:
getPreBuild() returns the prebuild task for the variant
getSourceSets() returns the sorted sourcesets for the task, from lower to higher priority
createZipAlignTask(String taskName, File inputFile, File outputFile).
This creates and return a new zipalign task. Useful if you have a custom plugin providing custom signing of APKs. This also makes the assemble task depend on the new zipalign task, and wires variant.getOutputFile() to return the result of the zipalign task. - now receives a Configuration object to pass the dependencies to the IDE. See artifactApi sample.
New "lintVital" task, run automatically as part of assembling release variants, which checks only fatal-severity issues
Replace Java parser in lint with ECJ; must faster and fixes bug where lint could hang on certain source constructs
Lint HTML report now writes links to source files and images as URLs relative to the report location
如果你已经在运行 Android Studio,重启就可以了,或者是通过 帮助—>检查更新(OS X,在 Android Studio 菜单可以看到)。这种安装只会安装一部分分支,不会进行整个 IDE 镜像的安装。
如果你想下载个完整安装版本,可以前往 Android Studio Canary Build 0.4.3 下载。或者直接从下面链接下载:
Windows: (158 MB)
Mac: (158 MB)
Linux: (157 MB)