Android Studio 0.4.3下载

2014-01-24 11:06:45来源:oschina作者:

Android Studio 0.4.3 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

Android Studio 0.4.3 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

  • 支持最新的 Android Gradle 插件 0.8 版本,不要求强制更新,用户可以继续使用 0.7 版本

  • 更新到最新的 IntelliJ 13 EAP build, #133.609 (release notes)

  • 支持 Gradle IDE 

  • Updating from one version of the Gradle plugin to the next is easier; rather than just opening a search window showing .gradle files referencing the plugin, the upgrade quickfix now performs the edits to the plugin dependency and the gradle wrapper properties file directly and in one shot

  • We now automatically sync with Gradle's model after a build if we detect that the model is stale

  • Fixed a bug around library syncing (where library dependency classes and resources could suddenly not be found by the IDE)

  • Lint

  • New lint check which looks for cycles in style definitions, cycles in layout <include> definitions, cycles in resource aliases and cycles in color and drawable definitions.

  • New lint check for duplicate item definitions inside styles

  • New lint check for padding symmetry in right-to-left contexts

  • New lint check for a resource definition pattern which can cause some versions of aapt to crash

  • 布局编辑

  • The layout editor property sheet now handles setting properties in custom namespaces

  • Improved threading behavior of layout rendering code (which should make editing in the XML editor with the layout render preview window more responsive)

  • In addition to creating new locales from the Locale menu you can now open up and edit existing translations

  • Fixed bug where the layout editor could show stale resource strings

  • 导入 Eclipse 

  • You can now import Eclipse-style projects even if they don't have .classpath and .project files as long as they use the same directory structure

  • More graceful handling of imports if there is a problem such as a missing dependency

  • 其他 bug 修复

Android Gradle 插件 0.8 版本更新内容如下:

  • Supports Gradle 1.10, requires Build-Tools 19.0.0+

  • Fixed issue 64302: Add renderscript support mode jar to the dependencies in the IDE model.

  • Fixed issue 64094: buildConfigField can now replace previous values inside the same type/flavors.

  • Add support for NDK prebuilts in library projects.

  • Parallelize pre-dexing to speed up clean builds.

  • Incremental dexing re-enabled (though it'll be automatically disabled in some builds for some cases that dx doesn't support yet.)

  • Added 'provided' dependency scope for compile only (not packaged) dependencies. Additional scope per buildtype and flavors are also available (debugProvided, myFlavorProvided,etc...)

  • Variant API improvements:

  • getPreBuild() returns the prebuild task for the variant

  • getSourceSets() returns the sorted sourcesets for the task, from lower to higher priority

  • createZipAlignTask(String taskName, File inputFile, File outputFile).
    This creates and return a new zipalign task. Useful if you have a custom plugin providing custom signing of APKs. This also makes the assemble task depend on the new zipalign task, and wires variant.getOutputFile() to return the result of the zipalign task.

  • now receives a Configuration object to pass the dependencies to the IDE. See artifactApi sample.

  • New "lintVital" task, run automatically as part of assembling release variants, which checks only fatal-severity issues

  • Replace Java parser in lint with ECJ; must faster and fixes bug where lint could hang on certain source constructs

  • Lint HTML report now writes links to source files and images as URLs relative to the report location


如果你已经在运行 Android Studio,重启就可以了,或者是通过 帮助—>检查更新(OS X,在 Android Studio 菜单可以看到)。这种安装只会安装一部分分支,不会进行整个 IDE 镜像的安装。

如果你想下载个完整安装版本,可以前往 Android Studio Canary Build 0.4.3 下载。或者直接从下面链接下载:

Windows: (158 MB)


Mac: (158 MB)


Linux: (157 MB)

