7Loader 又更新了,添加更多的品牌机激活证书,作了一些修改和优化。
7loader用法:先点slic present in bios在弹出的选项中选则你想导入电脑内的oem证书,成功后会提示,之后点install 7loader,等候片刻软件会提示你自动重启,重启之后成功的话就激活了。
Version 1.8.1 changes (06/02/2010):
* Added a legacy mode which should activate some systems that don't comply with the normal ACPI specifications
* Improved support for compressed partitions
* Added Toshiba, Exper, Wortmann and Casper SLIC's
* Added a new HCL Windows 7 Professional serial
* Other minor tweaks and fixes