FileZilla Server不是FileZilla Client哦,FileZilla Client只是一个免费的FTP客户端,而FileZilla Server确是一个功能不弱的FTP Server,最重要的是——它是免费的!在Serv-U的BUG横飞(破解还总恢复)的年代,安装FileZilla Server也是一个不错的选择哦~~~
FileZilla Server 下载地址
FileZilla Server 0.9.35下载地址
FileZilla Server 0.9.35版本改进内容:
New features:
* Administration interface is now Unicode enabled.
Bugfixes and minor changes:
* Fix saving of speed-limit rules
FileZilla Server 0.9.34版本改进内容:
New features:
* Show address of server in title bar of administration interface (patch submitted by eyebex)
Bugfixes and minor changes:
* Disable some weak TLS/SSL ciphers such as DES-CBC-SHA which shouldn't be used anymore
* Work around some obscure error reported by OpenSSL, fixes spurious transfer failures
* Use case-insensitive comparison instead of always converting to lowercase in permissions handling. Fixes problems with sharing case-sensitive network resources.
* Settings with empty data were not loaded from settings file correctly and reverted back to default values (patch submitted by eyebex)
* Improve performance of (re-)loading settings