CKEditor即大名鼎鼎的FCKeditor,它终于在最近发布新版本了,与增加版本号不同,这次完全把它改名了,更名为CKeditor。这应该是和它的开发公司CKSource的名字有关吧,该公司的另一个产品为CKFinder(一个Ajax文件管理器),这次可能为了保持一致,将FCK更改为 CK,但是版本号继承了下来,为CKeditor3.0版。
CKEditor 3.4 (download zip or gzip )
Fixed issues:
* #6118 : Initial focus is now set to the tabs in the table properties dialog.
* #6135 : The dialogadvtab plugin now uses the correct label.
* #6125 : Focus was lost after applying commands in Opera.
* #6137 : The table dialog was missing the default width value on second opening.
CKEditor 发行说明:
CKEditor 改进内容:
CKEditor 下载地址:
CKEditor 3.4 zip版下载 3.4/
CKEditor 3.4 tar.gz版下载 3.4/ckeditor_3.4.tar.gz